Hi everyone! I have very exciting news. To start, some of you may recognize this photo I took back on my East Coast vacation in September last year:
I’m so excited to announce that this photo was chosen to be featured on the front and back cover of the book, The Adventures of Connecticut: Connecticut’s Journey to Grand Central Station by Shelley Awad and Kristi Mason. I’d like to thank David Tierney from Borealis Press for finding my photo and giving me this huge opportunity!
The story is about a teenage boy named Connecticut who is adopted by a family that lives in an apartment in Grand Central Station. This action adventure book is targeted to young readers ages 9- 12.
The book was released June 2011 and here it is!
The photo has been cropped serving as a backdrop on the front cover:
And here is the full picture featured on the back cover. It really made for nice framing of the words!
My name featured on the back cover. It says “Front and back cover New York City, Grand Central Station’s Ceiling [photograph] September 6, 2010, Jasmine Lee”
Please visit The Greenhouse Kids for more information!
Just a side note: Speaking of Grand Central Station and New York City, may those on the East Coast stay safe from Hurricane Irene!! Please be careful…
Congratulations! I’m so proud of your achievements. This is a huge opportunity for you. Keep up the great work!
woo hoo. awesome
This is so great kiddo!! Super that these fine fotos were chosen, they look so good on the cover. Bravo Jasmine, bravo!!!!
Wow, absolutely amazing! CONGRATS!!!
Congrats! That is a great privilege
Beautiful! Congrats
Hah! How cool is that!? =)
Those images work so well too! Congrats
OMG congratulations!!!!!!!!!! The photo is AMAZING and this is definitely a great opportunity for you!! =) So cool!!!!