Cincinnati Reds vs. San Francisco Giants, June 10, 2011 – A View from Three Perspectives

When I see the news headlines on the front page of, I often see sports photos displayed. I tend to click on the photos because the shallow depth of field draws my attention. Just looking at the professional sports photos always made me want to get great close up shots of the players. My “wish” came true when I had the once in a lifetime opportunity to watch the Cincinnati Reds vs. San Francisco’s Giants game on June 10th, 2011. Throughout the game, I got to sit in three breathtaking locations: 1) Three rows behind the opponent’s dugout at first base, 2) The Luxury Suite, and 3) Larry Baer seats.

I only brought two lenses with me and that was the 70-200 f/2.8, and 17-40 f/4 lens.

The first set of photos were from sitting at first base.

Unfortunately, this was the game where Freddy Sanchez, #21 injured his wrist when he dove for a ground ball during 5th inning. During this time I had JUST switched to my wide angle lens, so I missed the action… But I put back my zoom lens as the coaches escorted him off the field. Get well, Freddy!!!

This was my view from my seat when I stood up.

Sometime during the 6th inning, I made my way up to the Luxury Suite. The view was awesome, but it was hard to see the players from far away. It was my first time being so high up in a baseball game.

During the 8th inning, I made my way to Larry Baer’s seats which were right next to the Giant’s Dugout. Holler! I couldn’t believe how close I was to the players. I didn’t even have to zoom in at 200mm to get a close up shot. Actually, when shooting at home plate at 200mm, the feet on the players would get cut off. It was amazing how close the seats were to everything! I am truly fortunately to have sat where I was that night.

It was awesome to see Lou Seal up close. He even stopped to pose for me! He was down enough to take a photo with me. The security guard even offered to helped to take our photo since he saw me trying to take a “self portrait” with Lou Seal.

I don’t know if where I was sitting was a “bad” spot for Lou Seal because he jumped off the dugout and actually attempted to CROSS OVER my legs. I watch his big feet while he was trying to cross over my legs. While crossing, I saw his big ol’ feet trip on my feet, forcing him to fall on my lap. What a weirdo. I think at one point I heard the guy talking inside his mascot uniform, too, lol.

So even though Lou Seal was cool to pose and take a photo with me,Β  what I didn’t like was that he kept messing with me. While trying to snap a photo of Brian Wilson, he put his shirt in front of my lens, and these were the results:

Psssh…. That could have been a great shot. πŸ˜› Anyhow, I did get my series of photos of Brian Wilson :).

The Giant’s scored a home run during the 9th inning that led to their winning of 3-2. Yay! Go Giants!! It was fun to watch the team as they raced their way across the field to celebrate.

I was so close to the interview with Nate Schierholtz that took place after the victory win. The following photo was taken at 70mm as they stood inside the dugout.

To end of the night, fireworks lit up the sky. It was a nice touch that the Giant’s won to feel the glory. All photos were taken without a tripod… So, how did I take fireworks without a tripod? Simple! Just balance the camera on a ledge and hold steady while pressing the shutter button!

Taking photos of fireworks is definitely meant to be taken with a tripod. But when you don’t have the source available, make use of your surroundings to GET the shots you want :).

I hope you enjoyed my long series of Giants photos. I know there was a TON, but I couldn’t help but share all of them because I was so lucky and fortunate to have watch the game from all three perspectives.

Thanks for visiting my blog!

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  1. jR says:

    Hot diggity! Nice looking photos.

  2. […] is a new Post at Cincinnati Reds vs. San Francisco Giants, June 10, 2011 – A View …. My β€œwish” came true when I had the once in a lifetime opportunity to watch the Cincinnati Reds […]

  3. Wow these are great!! The fireworks look awesome and YES! It’s sooo hard to photograph them without a tripod! you did a great job πŸ˜‰

  4. Jonathan says:

    Dangit Jasmine! I’m jealous! =)

  5. Howie says:

    Oh my! Nothing but jealousy here! You ever need someone to help you to carry more lenses , let me know.

  6. Erika says:

    omg!! your photos look so amazing! they look super professional. maybe you should sell them!

    • Stephanie says:

      seriously, three different locations, jas?! lol someone must have been walking all over the place! if i were that close to the players, i’d try to converse while they warm up, “hey, hit it to the right field!” “you’re cute” πŸ˜‰

  7. I have never been to a baseball match, but your photos gave me a sense of what it must be like to be at a “ball game”.